
For over a decade, Dr Colarik has contributed to the public commons through engaging with the media as a subject matter expert. This area contains television segments, radio interviews and other news media contributions.

Television Interviews

  Interviewed By Segment Title (MP4 file) Date
Ryan Bridge Three Newshub Live 6pm: A short discussion on the global ‘WannaCry’ ransomware attack 13-May-17
Anna Burns-Francis TV 1 News: A segment discussing the privacy issues with Pokémon Go 12-Jul-16
Paul Henry Live TV segment on the GCSB dealing with more cyber attacks 30-Sep-15
Mark Crysell FairGo: A segment on the use of data analytics on cell phones 8-July-15
Paul Henry Live TV segment on the hacking of airplane flight controls 19-May-15
Garth Bray FairGo: A segment on the dangers of social media 26-April-15
Susie Nordqvist TV 3 News: A brief discussion on credit card security 8-May-12
Adam Ray TV 3 News: A brief discussion on Huawei and national broadband security 28-Mar-12
Nicole Greco AT&T Spotlight: Cyber Terrorism Roundtable 5-Nov-07
Hugh Thompson Hugh Thompson Show: An interview about the use of VOIP and cyber crime 31-Oct-07
Fred Langan Canadian Broadcast Corporation: A brief interview about the cyber warfare attacks on Estonia 15-Jun-07
Erick Stakelbeck Christian Broadcast Network: An interview about the Digital Tsunami to come 10-Jan-07
Kiran Chetry Fox News: An interview about what the U.S. can learn from the London bombings 24-Jul-05

Radio Interviews

  Interviewed By Segment Title (MP3 file) Date
Ryan Bridge RadioLive: A post-analysis discussion on the massive ‘WannaCry’ ransomware attack 14-May-17
Grant Walker National Business Review Radio: A segment discussing the push to allow companies to 'hack back' to cyber attacks 15-Jun-17
Rachel Smalley KPMG Early Edition: A brief discussion on the Billion Dollar Bank Theft 17-Feb-15
Rick Wiles Trunews: A half hour discussion on cyber warfare 23-Dec-11
George Noory Coast to Coast AM: A two hour discussion on recent technology theft through electronic and cyber warfare 15-Dec-11
Rick Barber 850KOA: A one hour interview discussing the cyber attacks on South Korea and the US 14-Jul-09
Fingers & Jones 700WLW: An interview discussing the Pentagon breach of the F-35 fighter data files 22-Apr-09
Bill Ralston RadioLive: A brief interview discussing the dangers of cyber terrorism 21-May-08
Graeme Hill RadioLive: A brief interview discussing the dangers of social networking 14-Apr-08
Marcus Lush RadioLive: A brief interview discussing the conviction of the "superhacker kiwi" and his botnet 2-Apr-08
Marcus Lush RadioLive: A brief interview discussing Cyber Storm II 10-Mar-08
Ian Punnett Coast to Coast AM: A two hour discussion on the proposed US domestic satellite surveillance program 28-Dec-07
Maj.Gen. Paul Vallely Stand Up America: An interview about the current cyber jihad campaign 1-Nov-07
Ian Punnett Coast to Coast AM: A half hour discussion on technology and privacy issues in a public space 9-Jun-07
Anna Maria Tremonti Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: A brief discussion about the cyber warfare attacks on Estonia 6-Jun-07
Maj.Gen. Paul Vallely Stand Up America: An discussion about Cyber Terrorism 19-Mar-07
George Noory Coast to Coast AM: A one hour discussion on identity theft 12-Dec-06
Ian Punnett Coast to Coast AM: A half hour discussion on the technology side of detecting terrorists 11-Aug-06
Karoline Kramer WAPS 91.3 FM / WJCU 88.7 FM / WNCX 98.5 FM: A half hour discussion on commercial data brokers 16-Jul-06
Ian Punnett Coast to Coast Live: A half hour discussion on the government's handling of our personal information 17-Jun-06
Scott Draughon A one hour discussion about the state of Internet security and my book Cyber Terrorism: Political and Economic Implications 2-May-06
Ian Punnett Coast to Coast Live: A three hour discussion on cyber terrorism and information warfare 11-Mar-06
Ian Punnett Coast to Coast Live: A half hour discussion on government surveillance and data mining 25-Feb-06
Allan Parrish WELW 1330 AM: A half hour discussion on cyber terrorism and information security 21-Feb-06
Don Larson WERE 1300 AM: A one hour discussion on protecting your business from security threats hosted 19-Oct-05
Karoline Kramer WAPS 91.3 FM / WNCX 98.5 FM: A half hour discussion on cyber terrorism 21-Aug-05
Scott Draughon A one hour discussion about my book Managerial Guide for Handling Cyber-terrorism and Information Warfare 21-Jul-05
Interview The Tony Trupiano Show: A one hour discussion following the aftermath of the London bombings 7-Jul-05

Press Article Contributions and OP/EDs

Outlet Authored By Title Date
Line of Defence Nick Dynon The fog of smokeless war: A cyber security capability for NZDF 10-Mar-17
New Zealand Herald Andrew Colarik When your own data is used against you 10-Nov-16
The National Business Review Nathan Smith Closer NZ/Aus cyber cooperation makes 'good sense,' experts 10-Nov-16
Dominion Post Andrew Colarik Review to cast light on high value of NZ intelligence networks 2-Oct-15
The National Business Review Darren Greenwood When cyber-terrorists attack close to home 13-July-12
3News Susie Nordqvist 'Tap and go' cards put users at risk of fraud 8-May-12
3News Adam Ray Calls to investigate broadband company for espionage 28-Mar-12
Sunday Star Times Lois Cairns Kiwi experts raise fears of cyber warfare 8-Jan-12
Infosecurity (ISC)2 US Government Advisory Board Executive Writers Bureau Cyberterrorism: A look into the future 12-Nov-09
Harvard Law Record Victoria Baranetsky What is Cyberterrorism? Even experts can't agree 5-Nov-09
Harvard National Security Journal Mat Trachok HLS Hosted Panel of Cybersecurity Experts Discuss Cyberterrorist Threat 2-Nov-09
Weekly Terrorism Spotlight Ryan Mauro Expert Says U.S. in 'Real Trouble' Due To Cyber Warfare 26-Aug-08
Information Age Michelle Price The China Threat 18-Mar-08
The Nest Magazine Paula Kashtan Home Computer for Two 15-Oct-07
Computerworld Darren Greenwood Auckland graduate warns over possible 'cyber-jihad' attack 16-Jul-07
InformationWeek Larry Greenemeier Cyberterrorism: By Whatever Name, It's On The Increase 7-Jul-07
InformationWeek Larry Greenemeier 'Electronic Jihad' App Offers Cyberterrorism For The Masses 2-Jul-07
InformationWeek Larry Greenemeier Internet Terrorism Trial Highlights Web Open Info Access Dilemma 21-Jun-07
InformationWeek Larry Greenemeier Beware Of Sticky Fingers When BlackBerrys Handle State Secrets 21-Jun-07
InformationWeek Larry Greenemeier New Geo-Location Service Could Help Track Cyber Thieves 14-Jun-07
Dark Reader Tim Vilson How to Stop Political Attacks 30-May-07
Information Age Michelle Price EU tables cyber-crime proposal 23-May-07
Information Age Michelle Price Cyber Assault 21-Apr-07
Christian Science Monitor G. Jeffrey MacDonald Step Cautiously into an Online Bank 2-Apr-07
The Bottom Line Elaine Wiltshire Cyber-Enemy at the Gates 1-Mar-07
CBN News Erick Stakelbeck Cyber Terror: Defusing the Timebomb 10-Jan-07
Intelligent Enterprise Penny Crosman Dashboard: Take Four Steps Toward Data Security 1-Nov-06
The Enquirer James McNair Computer security threats multiplying 19-Oct-06
AIIM - The Enterprise Content Management Association Janelle Julien 2006 Washington Security Summit 25-Jul-06
Crain's Cleveland Business Leslie Stroope Into the (security) breach 8-Jun-06
InformationWeek Marianne Kolbasuk McGee U.K. Extradites Alleged Cyberterrorist To U.S. 16-Nov-05

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